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[AC] Silk Road tips
Von silkroadsdfsd, 31.10.2011, 05:41

First statement, this is not a new method, the Forum also said many prawns SilkRoad. Finishing SilkRoad to unused SilkRoad friends
My SilkRoad waste computers are boilerplate about it.
Common techniques
1. turn to 16 colors in the display color, SilkRoad set graphics programs are also reduced. (Saving resources well, HA HA)
Of 2. games display settings adjust to least, choose 800*600silkroad display mode.
3. After entering the game with Alt+ Microsoft logo key + enter, Windows screen.
4. power on the set turn off hard disks, turn off monitor SilkRoad options select "never". This mainly for SilkRoad to avoid hanging easy dropped,
Double open or open:
1. game on drive d, and is to duplicate the SilkRoad game file on drive d, the desktop has two icons SilkRoad. 1 and 2 of the Silk Road, Silk Road, respectively.
2. open the Silk Road 1. After entering the game, use ALT + Microsoft logo key + enter, Windows screen.
3. right click on the Silk Road 2 (sometimes do not have to use two files SilkRoad, just that there was an error opportunities). Pop-up box, choose "open with" and then click OK. Successfully opened the second SilkRoad Silk Road. And then in the 2nd window screen,
4. would like to open a third above the "3" SilkRoad steps continue. ...
My SilkRoad SilkRoad computer open three cards. All used to set up a stall was okay SilkRoad, playing mixed SilkRoad. In this configuration, SilkRoad two probably SilkRoad silkroad840Msilkroad memory of the Silk Road. Open three 1Gsilkroad. We can properly adjust the virtual memory. Sacrificing space in exchange for speed.
Just add one other point
Some people double open SilkRoad input method only in the beginning when SilkRoad the screen switches, here say the way you try. Is whether or not dual-sliding and three open, you can type any one scene SilkRoad skills. Can't type SilkRoad that screen ": Ctrl + space, there can be transferred to the IME SilkRoad, then normal SilkRoad property SilkRoad input method input method switch you SilkRoad

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